Saturday 22 February 2014

Miss Havisham Look - Assessment For Continuity

First Assessment:

Second Assessment:

I am very pleased with each final outcome of my Miss Havisham look. I feel I captured my idea of how Miss Havisham should look. In my eyes I imagined her to be old, mentally unstable, depressed and unhealthy looking. Creating the wrinkles and bags helped me achieve this effect. The matted and decayed hair with discoloured roses helps emphasise her unhealthy and unwashed look. I greyed her facial hair, which matched the greyed hair that I created with dry shampoo. The contouring emphasises the aging and the redness around the eyes makes the appearance of tiredness and crying lots.

I felt that the first assessment went slightly better than the second. Out of habit, I used primer on the face in the second look, which made the skin appear softer and more youthful, not the look I was after or what I created in the first look. I also created a more dewy effect which was not my intention. Unintentionally, I also applied more base which actually looks darker in the second assessment photos. Other than this small error with the skin tone, I feel that the hair was completely accurate and the detail on the eyes and lips are very similar. Overall, I am very pleased with the final outcomes. 

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