Monday 24 February 2014

Character Research - Estella

The Book:

Estella is a strong, bold and cold woman with extreme beauty. I would describe her as a typical femme fatal. From a young age in the early scenes of the book, Estella is rude and disrespectful to Pip. Although we aren't particularly warmed to her character, Estella is very much a victim of Miss Havisham's spiteful plans. Miss Havisham created the plan to raise Estella to torment men and "break their hearts". Being raised in this way has destroyed her ability to express emotion or fall in love. As a result of this, she ends up with completely the wrong man, Drummle, who beats her and makes her life miserable. Dickens allows us to sympathise Estella's character and we soften to her character as she comes away from the brutality of her struggling marriage and says, 
“Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching. . . . I have been bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape.” In general, Estella is raised to be something cold and cruel, yet she is a vulnerable woman who's beauty has been used as a weapon.

BBC TV Series:

First Impressions:

Estella is a young, fresh faced, beautiful, little girl, "Grows prettier everyday". Her appearance is very contrasting to Miss Havisham. Yet her personality is just as cold and cruel, demonstrated instantly as she is mean to pip. She laughs at him and taunts him for being of a lower class. She has a harsh look to her and is very stuck up. She is dressed immaculately with expensively made dresses and lace gloves. Her look is pure and perfect and asks if pip thinks she's pretty, as if she already knows it. Her insulting personality is displayed as she says Pip smells of dirt and sweat, "Why would I want to be friends with you" and slaps him. Estella is demanding, intimidating and perfectly horrid. 

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