Thursday 27 February 2014

Estella makeup designs


This look shows the contrast between beauty and pain. Estella was trapped in an abusive marriage, so I wanted to portray some of the damage it had on her. The look shows bruising to her jaw and a cut to the lips. This is to show that she may have got beaten by her husband. The rest of the makeup is to portray her beauty, as if the makeup is covering any pain under the surface. The eyelids have a hint of red to suggest sore eyes from crying. The skin is contoured and flawless to suggest that she has no flaws and has a perfect beauty.


This look involves paler skin with pink tones. This would be suitable for a fairer complexion. The pink is soft and natural. In the Victorian era, it was considered that a natural look was more attractive and fashionable. The lips have an ombre gradient and the eyes have a flick of eyeliner to make the look feminine.


This look heavily focuses on the lips which are a scarlet red with gloss. The skin is softly contoured with a slightly pink flushed cheek to make the look (apart from the lips) appear very natural. I have used pale colours on the eyelashes and brows to make the look very subtle.


This look is a bit bolder, which I felt reflected Estella’s personality very well. Her lips are a striking red which alarms danger. The eyebrows are harsh and defined to create a strong expression and the skin is contoured to define the bone structure. The eyes have a bold flick and layers of mascara on the upper eyelashes to create a beautiful feminine look. To me, the look is perfect for Estella, but the flicks are possibly too contemporary.

Final Estella makeup look:

This final look is highly influenced by the look from before. The skin is flawless, contoured and has a hint of blush for a beautiful finish. The lips are dangerous and devilish, just like Estella’s femme fatale character. The brows are striking and very bold with a softened gradient towards the centre. To make the look more periodic, I have left the eyes without eyeliner and just a simple bit of mascara and nude shades on the eyelids. The look has a softness about it with striking characteristics, just like Estella. 

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