Monday 20 January 2014

Gothic Images

The Cutest Blog On The Block (July 31, 2012) Gothic And Fantasy Photography (image online) Available at:

This image is beautifully tranquil, yet there is a strong sense of density. The water looks thick and black like oil but also appears very peaceful with how smooth the surface is. The woman in the boat looks almost emotionless and completely content with sitting in a sinking boat. There is something about how innocent and normal the image looks, but the fact the boat is submerged in water makes me feel anxious. The colours in the surroundings are dark in contrast with the woman’s ghostly pale skin, creating her to stand out. The light reflection on the water could be metaphorical for the life above the surface and death below. The sinking boat could be symbolic of the transition from life to death as she sinks slowly sinks.

Daily Photos & Art (May 3, 2012) Feeling Lost At Dusk (image online) Available at:

This image produces a gloomy atmosphere. The colours aren't an obvious black and white gothic theme as the ground is filled with rich colours from the leaves and plant life. What strikes me as having gothic characteristics are the trees. They are tall, intimidating and dark in comparison to the surroundings. The remind me of dark figures with abnormally long limbs. There appears to be an army of them as they blur out towards the background.

Phil Whiting (2008) Cornwall In Winter (Painting) The Rainyday Gallery 05/01/08 - 01/02/08. Available at:

This painting by Phil Whiting creates so much mystery as it’s unclear what we are looking at. The vertical strokes look like water dripping down a dirty window. From what my imagination is is producing, the view is from inside an old abandoned house with filthy windows, looking out to a miserable wet day. The application of the paint is dense and makes the image look more unattractive and depressing.

Clockwork Pictures (2014) A Day In The Line Of Density (online image) Available at:

This image shows a woman bending over and facing her reflection in the water she is standing in. Her legs are submerged in the water as she is fully clothed in a white lace dress. The white lace is fragile looking, and dipped into the water makes it float outwards from her body. Her hair is extremely dark which creates a heavy contrast to the white lace and her place skin, yet her face is not revealed which creates a sense of mystery.

Hersey and Beauty (2014) St. Michael's Cathedral (online image) Available at:

This image really stuck out to me for the interesting architectural structure and the lighting through the windows. This was taken inside St. Michael's Cathedral, a holy place, with religious interior. The black and white photo adds to the gothic setting and we can see the beautiful detail on the pillars, windows and pews. 

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