Friday 31 January 2014

French Pleat


·      Dry shampoo
·      Pintail comb
·      Tongs
·      Padding
·      Grips
·      Pins
·      Clips
·      Hairspray


·      Apply dry shampoo to roots in sections.
·      Section hair at the crown down to the front of the ears and pin the front section forward.
·      The back section of the hair is to be tonged to creates direction, lift and curled ends.
·      Section the hair into workable sections. Slightly backcomb then curl.
·      The first curl is the top back section and this is to be curled under facing downwards. This is then clipped in place to set.
·      The second and third curls are next to eachother below the first curl in ‘brick’ formation.
·      The sides are then curled vertically and inwards towards the back.
·      Curls in the back section are curled in direction of the roll.
·      Once the whole of the back section has been curled, release them and gently comb them together. Be sure to leave the first three curls.
·      Pull the hair over to one side and secure by cross gripping with curby grips.
·      Then roll the hair around your hand to create the effect of a roll.
·      Once happy with the shape, secure into place using pins. Slot the pins into the cross gripping to secure the roll.
·      Release the top three curls, secure some padding, backcomb the section of hair, then swirl around the roll and pin into place.
·      Release the front section of hair, backcomb and bring over the top.
Once happy with the positioning of the hair, set with hairspray.

My version of a french pleat with added height using padding

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