Thursday 27 March 2014

Research - Music Videos + Horror Films

Music Videos

SKrillex - 'First Of The Year'

From my perspective, the video has a story in which involves a pedophile/cild molester following his next victim, the small girl. It appears that she has a supernatural force which allows her to torment and torture the man, making him pay for the wrong he has done. She also has an odd looking creature behind her which seems to be her protecter/demon. The music is 'dubsteppy' with traps, base and wubs,  making it sounds energetic but quite brutal if you were to relate it to bodily movements. At the end of the video, we see the girl add a tally onto the wall which may suggest that she had killed the man and many other child molesters in the past. The story is unusual and quite capturing with the role reversal of the characters having to "call 911". Overall, I like the modern concept of this horror story.

Broken Social Scene - 'Sweetest Kill'

The music is soft and seductive, not quite your average horror theme tune. In the video we see two characters, assumingly a couple. The woman poisons the man and softly seduces him as they dance together. At this point the atmosphere is calm and looks rather innocent. The woman is very gentle with the man as he lays on the floor, and almost looks like she is in love with him. She then covers the surroundings to avoid any potential staining from bodily fluids. It's not until the woman returns to the scene with an axe that the atmosphere has a sickening and deep twist to it. The video becomes very graphic as she repeatedly hacks and saws at his body. But we are then returned to the original softness as she buries the body in a beautiful garden location.

La Roux - 'In For The Kill' (Skream Remix)

This song has an unmistakably eery and atmospheric build up, with ghostly vocals, a humming bass and chilling echoes. As the song progresses, a heavy but slow beat is introduced which sounds like slow and heavy footsteps. The long pauses between the sections of the song creates suspense and anticipation of what may come next, almost like a twisted game of hide and seek. The lyrics, "I'm going in for the kill, I'm doing it for a thrill", are almost self explanatory with the idea of an intention to kill. In the final section of the music, the pace dramatically increases which makes me imagine a chase.

Die Antwood - 'I Fink U Freeky'

Everything about this song and the video creeps me out entirely! The scariest thing of all is that the two people who make up Die Antwood are pretty much as scary as this in real life... On a serious note, the music is very techno with a definite bass which creates a sense of adrenaline. The hair, makeup and styling in this video really enhances their characters. They look like they are unwashed, filthy and have interesting hair styles with additional accessories such as contact lenses. 

Rihanna - 'Disturbia'

This video captures my idea of a modern gothic/horror music video. It's creepy, frightening but also sexy. The video heavily promotes sexuality with the minimal seductive clothing and bondage. The element of horror is shown as there are displays of people being possessed and elements of torture. Rihanna is looking smoking hot in the video and her hair and makeup is very contemporary gothic, with sharp edged makeup and choppy hair styles.

Films and Real Life Horror:

Ed Gein:

“Ed Gein was an American murderer and body snatcher. Gein has exhumed corpses from local graveyards and fashioned trophies and keepsakes from their bones and skin. Gein confessed to killing two women – Mary Hogan and Bernice Worden. Initially found unfit for trial, after confinement in a mental health facility he was tried in 1968 for the murder of Worden and sentenced to life imprisonment, which he spent in a mental hospital.
His case influenced the creation of several fictional killers, including Norman Bates of the movie and novel ‘Psycho’ and its sequals, Leatherface of the movie ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’, Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill) of the novel ‘The Silence of the Lamb', Ezra Cobb of the movie ‘Deranged’ and Bloody Face of the series ‘American Horror Story: Asylum’.”

( [09.04.14] (Wikipedia)

Psycho (1960)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2013) 

The Silence of the Lamb



American Horror Story: Asylum

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street:

The Human Centipede

The Frankford Slasher:

“The Frankford area of Philadelphia was once a town older than the City of Brotherly Love itself. At one time, it was a prosperous area, but by 1980 it had become a crime-ridden slum populated by prostitutes, junkies, and small businesses struggling to survive. It was here in 1985 where the first victim was found in a railroad yard.
Helen Patent was nude from the waist down and she had been posed in a sexually provocative position, with her legs open and her blouse pulled up to expose her breasts. She was 52 when she died, and while it was clear to the police that she had been stabbed many times, it took an autopsy to determine the official cause and manner of death. She had been sexually assaulted and had died from 47 stab wounds to her head and chest. She had also been stabbed in the right arm, and one vicious and deep slash across her abdomen had exposed the internal organs.

Between seven and eight women from 28-68 became the victims of this violent rapist and serial killer in an old section of Philadelphia. Leonard Christopher, a quiet black man who worked in the area, was arrested and convicted for the murder of one victim in the series. But the quality of the evidence used to convict Christopher is controversial, especially since another likely killing in the series occurred while he was in jail.”

( [09.04.14]

The Birnies:

"David's insatiable sexual appetite caused him to enlist wife Catherine into abducting, raping, and eventually, brutally murdering four women in the their Perth, Australia, love nest and torture chamber at 3 Moorhouse Street. David's cruelty finally got to Catherine who couldn't stand to participate in another murder. The victim escaped and resulted in the capture of the two serial killers."

( [09.04.14]

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